مركز كامپيوتر دانشگاه علوم پزشكي شعبه بين الملل ارس
اين مركز مسئول نگهداري و بهينه سازي و بروزرساني سايت كامپيوتر وتجهیزات شبکه و سيستمهاي موجوداز قبيل كامپيوترها ‘تجهيزات اموزشي ‘ كمك آموزشي و بروزرساني پورتال شعبه وپشتيباني سخت افزاري و نرم افزاري شعبه را به عهده دارد و همچنين مشاور رئيس شعبه در حوزه IT است.اين مركز هم اكنون با مسئوليت مهندس عليمددي اداره مي شود.
Mohammadreza alimadadi
office : +98-492-302-4400
fax : +98-492-302-2779
Software Engineer
Software Engineer on azartarashe tabriz Soft Manager. Duties include developing and designing using C# and Java, assisting in design of next release (J2EE to represent Company Soft Manager, to show case product, and working closely with new developers in other computer software co.
Consultant for kanoone rayane andishe & sayar computer school in the marand city. Tutored the programming instructors for the oo programming class in the c# programming language. Helped to set up development environment for the classroom.
Azar Tarashe Tabriz, Software Engineer Co
Developer on the Company engine team. Worked on new functionality in the 7.0 release of the Company Dynamic Sourcing Engine. Developed in C++ in Windows Visual Studio. Also worked on a oracle to add multithreaded capabilities to Company's engines.
· Languages: C++, Java, C, ASP.NET, SQL
· Applications: MS Visual Studio
· Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
· Database Systems: SQL Server, MySQL ,oracle
· Certifications: licence of software Engineer
MS visual studio 2008 Especially c# & VB , Netbeans IDE for java
Fields of interest
AI, Descriptive programming
statistics & information technology managment of tabrz medical university
High council of informatics
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